Council Activities

As outlined in Chapter 10 of the Texas Water Code, the purpose of the council is to provide the governor, lieutenant governor, speaker of the house of representatives, legislature, TWDB, TCEQ, political subdivisions, and public with the resource of a select council with expertise in water conservation. Duties of the Water Conservation Advisory Council include

  1. monitor trends in water conservation implementation;
  2. monitor new technologies for possible inclusion by the TWDB as best management practices in the best management practices guide developed by the water conservation implementation task force;
  3. monitor the effectiveness of the statewide water conservation public awareness program;
  4. develop and implement a state water management resource library;
  5. develop and implement a public recognition program for water conservation;
  6. monitor the implementation of water conservation strategies by water users included in regional water plans; and
  7. monitor target and goal guidelines for water conservation to be considered by the TWDB and TCEQ.

On December 1 of each even-numbered year, the council submits to state leadership a report on progress made in water conservation in this state.

Operational Approach

The council recognizes the importance of incorporating the input and perspectives of key stakeholders as they move forward in addressing their legislative charges. For this reason the council organized workgroups consisting of council members, their designated alternates, and other interested parties that provide a unique perspective and a focused approach to addressing water conservation issues and challenges. Creating multiple workgroups also has the added benefit of achieving a voluntary division of labor based on individual member expertise and areas of interest. The council agreed that all substantive decisions and/or recommendations made by the workgroups are to be reported back to the full membership for their consideration and final disposition.

All council meetings are open to the public and each council meeting includes a public comment period. Meeting agendas are posted in the Texas Register and on the council website, and drafts of council documents to be considered at upcoming meetings are posted online as well. Members, alternates, and any other interested parties are alerted by email of all council meetings and workgroup activities.

For additional information about the council please contact the council support staff at the Texas Water Development Board at or (512) 475-1851.